Saturday, January 21, 2006


Friends & Family!

We just want to update our website with 2 new praises! The most exciting one is that we are expecting #2 in mid-August. We just went to the doctor and have confirmation that the baby is healthy and very active. We are excited and praise the Lord for this gift. Steph is feeling great considering she is pregnant, although she is craving taco bell and root beer floats! Any suggestions???! We will be coming back to the States to deliver this one, since there is no reliable health care service here.

Secondly, we have found our gym location! It is a great price, great location and great building. We are in the process of getting it ready-all the details. Pray that things will go smoothly and we will be able to open the beginning of next month.

Thanks for rejoicing with us in these two new opportunities!


Jono and Janice said...

Hey Guys,
Congratulations!! That's very exciting news! Hope things are going well and maybe we'll see you tomorrow.

Leslie said...

Yipee! Are you going to have a girl this time? (Just kidding). Love you all very much! God is good!